Into Design Systems Weekly — Figma Changelog, Design System Documentation & more

4 min readJul 5, 2022


Hey Friends, here are our weekly favorites from the #DesignSystems🪐space:

How we build an almost perfect design system at Affise —
Ten years ago, interface design boiled down to sprucing up the pages. Now, everyone seems to understand the value of product design. To a greater extent, this broad concept relates to a product’s…

Distribute your design documentation — Mike Wilson live at Into Design Systems Conference —
#DesignSystems #DesignSystemDocumentation #Figma #figmatutorial 👋🏻 Missed the conference?22 unique Design System 🎬 Recordings now on sale:

Design Tokens: How to adopt Design Tokens from 0 to 1 —
As a designer, I create UI styles in Figma. Once I decided to update a colour value from one to another, I can only change the value in Figma. After I have done the update, I will go to Slack and…

The ultimate guide to breakpoints and flexbox in Figma —
How to prototype advanced responsive designs in Figma using breakpoints and flexbox, and if its worth using the Breakpoints and AutoLayout plugins.

🎬 How to automate your Design Tokens documentation in Figma with Figma Tokens and Automator —
#Figma #FigmaTutorial #DesignTokens #FigmaTokens ⚡️Full workshop:⚡️Figma Tokens Plugin:⚡️Auto...

Full 3h workshop: Design Tokens in Figma

Workshop: How to build a Design System with Design Tokens in Figma — Jan Six —

Learn how to create and apply Design Tokens in Figma. With Figma Tokens you will be able to easily customize and maintain your Design System and create Themes (e.g Light & Dark Themes) within minutes. Live hands-on workshop 🎬 recording designing token-based design systems in Figma utilizing the plugin “Figma Tokens” — Newly updated content ⏱Duration: 180 minutes🙋🏽‍♂️Workshop facilitator: Jan Six, Creator of Figma Tokens Plugin & Sr. Product Designer at GitHub

Design ops — Standardising a teams work —
Nielsen norman says that standardising design work is about facilitating design quality, consistent toolsets and processes. Choosing the right design process or methodology can be a difficult task…

⚡️Design Tokens — Virtual Meetup July, 19th

Virtual Design Tokens Roundtable Meetup — Free Entry

🗓July, 19th — 7PM CEST — LIVE on zoom

👉🏻 Register for free


7:00 PM — 7:15 PMWarm-up / Socializing

7:15 PM — 8:15 PM — The Future of Design Tokens + LIVE Q&A, James Nash — J.P. Morgan & Member of Design Tokens W3C Community Group

Please Note: This talk is a replay of James Nash speaking at The Future of Design Systems Conference — where we produced 22 recordings and 20h of Design Systems content — The recordings are on sale

8:15 PM — 9:30 PMDesign Tokens Rountable with our Design Tokens Experts:

Esther Cheran, Co-creator of Figma Tokens, Chief product @ start-up in stealth-mode

James Nash — J.P. Morgan & Member of Design Tokens W3C Community Group

Figma Changelog Widget —
A widget to seamlessly create Changelogs for you and your team. ✻ ✻ ✻ FEATURES ✻ ✻ ✻ Quickly write beautiful changelogsDirectly Attach Figma Frames to your entriesCreate new ones with auto positioning.Switch between Dark / Light Mode ✻ YOUR FEEDBACK ✻ Please leave a comment and some of your …

A Maturity Model for Design Systems —
During the “La Product Conf 2022” in Paris, we had the opportunity to attend a talk by Ben Callahan about “A maturity model for design systems”, to help bring clarity to teams who want a context and…

Defining Colors in your Design System | Complete guide to build scalable, harmonious color system —
I believe that your team has already or will soon realize the need to create a robust design system. And why not? Design system brings in consistency, scalability, and efficiency. No two different…

Upgrade your Design System in Figma — Part I —
With newly released Figma features, your design system will get upgraded, closing the gap between design and development. In the recent event, Figma has released many features that can make your…




Written by Intodesignsystems

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