Into Design Systems Weekly — Design Tokens 101
Hey Design System Friend, here are our weekly favorites from the #DesignSystems🪐space:
Design Tokens 101 — Design strategy guide —
How to set up design tokens and where to use them?
6 Design Tokens Tools to manage the connection between design and code —
Design tokens are a powerful way to connect design and code. Here are some tools for managing design tokens to improve your workflow, align design and code better, and increase developer and designer productivity.
Link Figma and React using Figma Tokens —
This means that you can create tokens such as “colors”, “spacing”, “border-radius”, etc. that you can then apply to the whole document, styles or just the selection. The best part is that you can…
Design Systems Checklist | Figma Community —
Great things always start small Don’t try to copy tech giants in the start. Start with the most used components, nail the workflow and continue working on. Small wins will bring you far. More resources ->
Creating a product without a design system leads to huge design debt —
Designing a product is complex, and the effects of not having a design system create significant debt. This article explains why some design teams cannot pay off their design debt because of a lack of or a poor design system.
The difference between Analytical Thinking and System Thinking —
In two short videos Russell Ackoff (4min + 8min) explains how western societies have been trained on a singular pattern of thinking called Analytical Thinking: breaking things apart in order to understand how stuff works by seeing the whole as a sum of its parts.
My Five Biggest Design System Mistakes —
A lot of design system articles focus on the ideal or best ways to approach certain problems. There’s a lot less written on what doesn’t work, and what was learned from it.
Design System Videos:
Figma UI Kits
Vitamin by Decathlon —
The official Figma account of Decathlon Design system
Want to dive deeper Into Design Systems?
Are you ready to take your Design Systems skills to the next level? Our Design Systems conference was a huge success, but if you missed it, don’t worry! You can still get all 22 recordings of live presentations and Q&As — that’s 20 hours 📼 of top-quality content from over 20 industry experts, plus two workshops to help you dive deeper into the world of design systems.
Join us for a deep dive Into Design Systems ⚡️ with speakers from companies like Volkswagen, IKEA, PayPal and many more. You’ll learn from the best in the business and come away with new skills and insights that will help you take your career to the next level. 🚀
We hope you find these resources useful and that they help to inspire your own work in the Design Systems space.
As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments below.
Cheers from your Design Systems Friends