Into Design Systems Weekly — Atomize your components & more
Hey Friends, here are our weekly favorites from the #DesignSystems🪐space:
Design a Scalable Design System. Atomize your components —
Before you read on, remember that not every company or product requires a scalable design system. Whether it’s because they are: Predicting how it will be in five years’ time is something magic, but…
Figma Plugin: Select by Name —
Quickly select multiple layers by searching for parts of the layer name, complete names or regular expressions. It all happens within Figma’s Quick Action bar. This is useful for editing multiple layers in one go, especially if they are deeply nested within component instances. ▶️ Watch a demo v…
Design Systems of the Future: How I’m creating an IDE for product design, no more work for developers, designers rule the roost —
I must confess: although I am a product designer, I have always hated design systems. It seems that the first design systems appeared along with Sketch, but I may be wrong. Now, after almost 6 years…
The First out of Three DesignOps Pillars is People — For a Good Reason —
We’re used to working in a high stress work environment. Until we experience a burn out or get sick. What if we could design an environment that prevents that? The answer is here and it is called…
How to manage design feedback strategically —
As a designer, managing feedback is quite important (and an underrated soft skill). When a project is being reviewed by multiple teams, there are loads of comment/feedback start floating around the…
Design Case Study — Building a Design System for SaaS application. —
In this design case study, I talk about how we overcame the challenges we were facing when we didn’t have a design system. I also talk about the process of building the design system. As the team…
How We’ve Used Figma to Evolve Our Content Design Practice —
Firefox UX adopted Figma about two years ago. In this post, I’ll share how our content design team has used the tool to shape collaboration and influence how design gets done. Before Figma, the…
Cloudscape — open source design system for the cloud —
Cloudscape offers user interface guidelines, front-end components, design resources, and development tools for building intuitive, engaging, and inclusive user experiences at scale.
Design at Maze: How we’re evolving our design system into a company-wide resource —
Take a peek behind our design system curtain, and see the steps we’re taking to evolve it into a company-wide reality.
Auto Layout Fixed Aspect Ratio — Figma Plugin —
This file contains a fixed aspect ratio spacer that can be placed inside Auto Layout image-fill frames so they resize at specified fixed aspect ratios. I’ve documented how it works, how to use the component, and how to add overlays. Also included are dialog box, horizontal card, and vertical stor…