Into Design Systems — Design System Canvas & Design Tokens

4 min readDec 14, 2022


Hey Design System Friend, here are our latest favorites from the #DesignSystems🪐space:

Creating an effective design system with the DS Canvas
My name is Paavan. I’m a product designer from London, and work at an agency. Working agency-side rather than in-house means I get to see a ton of different organisations at various stages of digital…

Design spacing tokens semantically

Creating & Crafting a Design Token System —
Creating and crafting a design token system for any modern multi-brand design system with covered topics like controlled vocabulary, typography, spacings, paddings, color palette, accessibility, A11y

Leveling up Office Hours with Airtable for Wayfair’s Design
Airtable enables data-driven decisions. At Wayfair, our award-winning interface supports office hours by streamlining our workflow and providing crucial feedback data. Homebase is Wayfair’s design…

Free Figma Component Library |
We’ve curated the best Figma components in one place. Discover, copy and paste UI components in Figma with the most efficient way to build designs. Get all the essentials for any design project in one place. From buttons to data visualizations, you’ll find the perfect component here with a few clicks.

Taming Chaos: Our Design System Governance at Scale
Are you struggling through huge design system backlogs? No time to document anything properly? Keep forgetting decisions about components and guidelines?

Sometimes you have to say politely “No”
There are a large number of articles that teach how designers can say no. This is mostly about freelancers and how to interact with difficult clients. But what about design systems?

Omlet · Measure the Success of Your
Measure the Success of Your Components

Design System Videos:

Setting up a multi-brand Design System for small product
Recording of the Figma Tokens livestream ‘Behind the System’ where Vincent shares his thoughts and workflow of setting up a Design System for a relatively sm…

Want to dive deeper Into Design Systems?

Are you ready to take your Design Systems skills to the next level? Our Design Systems conference was a huge success, but if you missed it, don’t worry! You can still get all 22 recordings of live presentations and Q&As — that’s 20 hours 📼 of top-quality content from over 20 industry experts, plus two workshops to help you dive deeper into the world of design systems.

Join us for a deep dive Into Design Systems ⚡️ with speakers from companies like Volkswagen, IKEA, PayPal and many more. You’ll learn from the best in the business and come away with new skills and insights that will help you take your career to the next level. 🚀


We hope you find these resources useful and that they help to inspire your own work in the Design Systems space.

As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments below.

Cheers from your Design Systems Friends




Written by Intodesignsystems

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